Why Narcissists Abuse Randomly (Manipulation Technique)
Evolutionary roots of "Random Punishment"
Narcissism and its associated personality disorder has been a trending topic in the pop psych world.
I tend to push back on the quick labeling of most “disorders”—even relatively extreme behavior usually has an evolutionary root. (Rather than a “disease”.)
But what I find much more interesting and practical is, if narcissistic behavior is so terrible, why does it WORK on so many of us??
IOW, why do so many people end up following, falling in love, or otherwise freely giving power to such people— specifically after abuse?
In this video I use one of my favorite scenes from The Sopranos to break down why random abuse works as a manipulation technique.
In other news, we decided to move back to Peru. This second intercontinental move has put me a bit behind, but two things are coming up soon:
The Archetype Challenge is being re-released with a new journal. I’ll be raising the price since it still comes with a free coaching session, but it’s still at the old price right now. (I know I’ve been saying that for months, but we just got the new journal printed.)
My book is making progress towards being in print via traditional publisher. As promised last year, I’ll buy a printed copy for any paid subs who’ve been here a year (or subscribed annually).