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Ruwando Podcast: Psychology For Men with Brains and Balls
072 Leslie Selene: Witchcraft and Initiation

072 Leslie Selene: Witchcraft and Initiation

“Sex is the poor man’s meditation.” ~ Leslie Selene

Leslie Selene is a spiritual medium, meditation teacher, and author. She was introduced to me many years ago as a ‘Witch Doctor’ when I was in a cult... Many things she told me back then finally clicked in my head five years later. We speak about her take on mysticism from different cultures, trauma and spirituality, sex work, and her various initiations in sexuality and mysticism. You can find Leslie on Facebook. Her books, Inviting Her In: diary of a witch and The Ariadne Dreamtime Network of Psychic Assassins can be found on Amazon. Her next book, Decolonizing Mysticism: a Book of Shadows, will be available from Hexenhammer Press next summer.

#Mysticism #Witchcraft #Orishas #Voodoo #BlackMadonna #Paganism #PracticalMagic #Cult #Occult #SexMagic

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Ruwando Substack
Ruwando Podcast: Psychology For Men with Brains and Balls
Archetypal masculinity, relationship polarity, practical philosophy and stuff. With Ruwan Meepagala and sometimes guests.